Data Entry/Work From Home
Home / Data Entry/Work From Home
Trial Plan
15,000 INR
- Deposit Amount - 2900/- INR
- Work Load - 2000 Forms(1 ID)
- Mistakes Limit - 150
- Working Days - 5 Days
Experience Plan
25,000 INR
- Deposite Amount - 5000/- INR
- Work Load - 3000(1 IDs)/4000(2 IDs) Forms
- Mistakes Limit - 200
- Working Days - 7 Days
Team Plan
50,000 INR / 1,15,000 INR
- Deposite Amount - 12000/- INR / 25000/- INR
- Work Load - 12K Forms(2 IDs)/30K Forms(5 IDs)
- Mistakes Limit - 450 / 700
- Working Days - 15 Days
Information Frequently Asked Question
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